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Powerfully Perplexing Paradoxes (And Other Funky Tongue Twisters) - by LiarXAgerate

Powerfully Perplexing Paradoxes (And Other Funky Tongue Twisters)

Par*a*Dox-n.-A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true.

Get to know that word, because today I'm gonna be talking about these in EarthBound, which is full of them.

Most of the paradoxes in EB take place because of one simple event. That would be Buzz Buzz's entrance.

Buzz*Buzz-n.-1. Estranged domain owner; see "Crazy" 2. Character that sets the events of EarthBound in motion; Looks like a dung beetle

Paradox number one- Okay, Buzz Buzz goes 10 years back in time to warn Ness about Giygas. Ness and his friends travel across EagleLand, and eventually defeat Giygas. So Giygas is defeated. Which brings us to the paradox in question. If Giygas was defeated, why did Buzz-o go back in time in the first place? And if he never went back in time, he'd never be dead. And if he never died...You get the picture.

Paradox number two- So Giygas and the chosen ones are fighting in the Cave of the Past. Yes, past. time for more Paradox-y goodness. Let's back up a moment first, though. Buzz Buzz is from 10 years in the future. He goes 10 years into the past, to warn the chosen one's. They, in turn, fight in the past, an undisclosed amount of years away from 199x. So let's say they don't make it, and Giygas takes over the world in the future, where Buzzy was before he went back in time. Buzzy is crushed with the rest of the people in the rebellion, and he never went back in time. Deeeeeeeep stuff, methinks. And you thought this was a kid's game...

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