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Navel-napping! - by STAREYe


Belly buttons. Everyone has them. I have one, and unless you've got some physical deformity I haven't heard of, you do too. They have belly buttons in EarthBound too, did you ever think of this? Usually people wouldn't come to this realization about video game characters, but EB gives you a nice reminder that even pixilated beings have belly buttons. How? It's the sign in Dungeon Man that says "You are now standing right around my belly button". It strikes me as odd that Brick Road would think to his humanoid dungeon a navel. It also made me wonder what other obscure body parts Dungeon Man has, does he have a philtrum? How 'bout an eppiglotus?

Now that we've been over the fact that they do indeed have belly buttons in EB, lets go over something else. Giygas does not have a belly button. Sure, you're thinking that he's a big blob of red gassy stuff, but play EB0, look at Giegue, Giygas before his evil deformed him into an almighty fartface. What don't you see on him? exactly.

Now, why did Guigue/Giygas come to Earth to begin with? Well he had all those people in test tube type things, so that indicates he wanted them as test subjects. Now, what strange unheard of (to his planet) part of the human body do you think he found? That's right, NAVELS. Now, why did Giygas come back to Earth? We've been led to believe that he was pretty ticked of at us on account of George robbing their planet, then Ninten beating him up, but since he allowed a particularly fat and ugly human being to help him out, he can't be too racist against us. The reason was actuly that he thought belly buttons where insanely cool, and he wanted to find out how he could get himself one of these things. Why do you think he kidnapped those people that were in the tubes in the Starman base? TO STEAL THEIR BELLY BUTTONS. Incidentally this is proof that underneath those huge noses, Mr Saturn have navels as well. Unless of course Giygas was just after their extremely fashionable pink bows, which is understandable.

A lot of people believe Mother 3 will be about Pokey coming back for revenge or something like that. But now that we know what Giygas' true motives were, we can clearly see that in M3 some relation of Giygas is going to come to avenge him, and the main characters will have to fight to keep him from robbing us of our aortas. Isn't gaming so much more fun when it involves saving obscure body parts? Yes indeed!

So anyway, I'd sum up my article here, but I'm not quite sure how to sum that up, as I'm not quite sure what it all means. So I'll just sum up the thought that this article started from, uh, Dungeon Man has a belly button, isn't that cool?

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