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EB Vs. DBZ - by vivi3000


I bring to you today an intresting battle. You may say "Dragonball Z would crush Earthbound like bugs" or you may say "Earthbound would win OBVIOUSLY" There are always split opinions on this subject. So here we shall find out who would win.

I have selected four charcters from Dragonball Z to be pit against the Earthbound characters in an all out brawl. The four DBZ characters are: Goku,Gohan,Vegeta,#18 Now since the Dragonball charcters are all older they have an advantage. So the EB charcters will each be equalled out at age 19. Here's the winners and why they won.

Ness versus Goku- Speed is the ultimate winner in this battle. Although Ness has some very strong attacks such his his PK Special Goku would win rather easily in this fight. Goku can move much faster than Ness and Ness can not swing a bat or a yoyo as fast as Goku can punch.

Paula versus #18- Speed isn't the main concern in this fight,power is. #18 is definately more powered in physical strength but Paula can use some pretty wicked psyhchic attacks. Paula would win but she wouldn't leave without a few scars.

Jeff versus Gohan- Jeff is smarter and could calculate they exact places Gohan could move. But smarts doesn't help you in a batlle of speed and strength like this would be. Gohan can move very quickly and is more powerful than Goku. Gohan would win without even a hint of exhaustion.

Poo versus Vegeta- Now this fight would be intresting. Vegeta is arrogant and doesn't like to finish things very quickly which would allow Poo enough time to Mirror himself as Vegeta. He could use every aspect of Vegeta at his own will. Eventually the mirror would wear off and Poo would have to fight without Vegetas power. But Poo is strong and fast like Vegeta. I believe when it all came down, it would ultimately be a tie game between the two.

So between the two groups they're pretty equal. I think Dragonball Z would win but that is because of the variance in strengths in the two things. Also Dragonball Z has lots of charcters to fight the EB group.


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