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Ramblings by a Rambling Mushroom - by Shrooom

Ramblings by a Rambling Mushroom

It's been a little over a year since I became an active member. I don't remember the first couple of months that well, but things were different then. It's still fun, but there was something different, and aura of sort. The time seemed to pass almost too quickly. Maybe it was the people here, and getting to know everyone, but all oldies (people who have been here a while) seem to remember a different time. But that's not all this is about. This is about what the game has meant to me. I never actually realized how much I loved that game, few of us have until we came to this site. I'm not saying we didn't like it, I'm saying that we never knew we were going to join a huge community on this one game (actually, two, but we didn't know that then). It didn't mean as much to me as it does now. The music, the story, the weird jokes... I have to admit I only beat the game once before coming to the community. I played it, but only beat it once. Since I've joined, I probably have beaten it five more times, and started a new guy at least 50 more than that. It was the community that got me so attached to this game.

I still remember the first time I rented Earthbound. It had just come out, and you could still rent it with that huge box that held the player's guide. That's what probably got me to rent that game, that huge box. I swindled my parents into renting this and a SNES (I was over at my dying grandmother's house) which was something they never do. Later, I opened that box, flipped through the player's guide, and read everything about the game. I next looked at those cards. God those cards were cool. I especially remember the one that you could send in to win a mysterious prize! Only after I came to what was did I learn what that thing was.

When I put the game in, I was hooked. It was still a game, but it was a new, cool game. It was sort of like when you get that toy you always wanted for Christmas, and you actually have fun with it. It was still just a game to me at the time. A few days later, I returned it.

I never really thought much about the game. I really liked it, but I also really like 3,000 other games. Years later, I saw that huge box at an old place you could rent old games. Even though it didn't have the cards, players guide, they didn't let me bring home the box, and I had to pay for it, I still rented it. I played that game day and night (grounded from it, but woke up at 5 am to play it) I finally got to Giygas, but I never beat him. Only when I bought the game later that year did I finally beat him.

I don't have the best memory when it comes to web sites, but I remember that one year the library a couple of miles from town finally got the Internet! I went over there, and had nothing to do! So I started typing in video game sites in the main bar. I tried many games, Illusion of Gaia, Breath of Fire, and a bunch of other ones. Finally, when my hour of Internet time was up, I put in, and to my surprise it was actually a site! The one thing I remember about that time was the Sweltering Snowman. I had to go home now, and all that night I thought of that sweltering snowman. I didn't go back to the library until a long time later, and didn't start frequenting that site until one year, four-six months ago. At first, I only visited the page once every week or two, but I soon became addicted.

On October 16th of last year, only a few days of getting the Internet at home, I went on Mirc for the first time. The first channel I went to was #earthbound. I was such a newbie I hate to remember that time. Most people there were helpful, but it was still kind of weird. I remember seeing, "the great Tomato" and freaking out! It was great!

This site has meant so much to me. It's not like I don't have a social life, but this is more... I can't really explain it. I'm not sure if I like it better than Real Life, but I don't think that's it. It's just, something else. A sort of feeling, something on the lines of taking a break from life to talk with people that have things in common with me. I've been on other chats and forums, and this is the best one. When people are complaining about all the lamers, it doesn't make sense to me. Even when things were the lamers, there are worse boards/chat rooms out there! I know a ton of them that I left because it was too much. Some people here should lighten up and look at what you have, not just what you had. The past means so much to everyone, but so should what's happening, and what will happen. Live it out before it ends.

Other Submissions by Shrooom

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Shrooom Guillotines Are Fun
Fluke featuring decapitation (clean) of the Chosen Four.
3/26/05 0.00
Shrooom Masks?
3/26/05 0.00
Shrooom Ramblings by a Rambling Mushroom
7/31/06 0.00
Shrooom Shrooom2
3/26/05 0.00
Shrooom The search for better Earthbound: part 1
7/31/06 0.00


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