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EarthBound:Something That You Will Never Forget - by Starman Sr.

EarthBound:Something That You Will Never Forget

Not a day goes by when I dont think, if only for a fleeting moment, about EarthBound. After playing for six years, and spending more than two of those years participating in a community based around EarthBound, I do not question why it crosses my mind every day. Even if you havent been playing for six years, or have only been in this community for a month, you also will never forget about this game.

I remember when I first discovered EarthBound on the internet. I was sitting in class one day when I got the thought of looking up EarthBound on Excite. When I got home, it was the first thing I did. The first thing I came to was a site called 'Mrs. Saturn's EarthBound Hut'. I didnt stay long because the site was closing down, and I dont remember there being much content on the page, either. Then I found the legendary site, 'You Are Now EarthBound', who's webmaster was none other than reidman. A few years pass by, and, well, here we are today (pardon me for not giving a full history of the community, but I plan to release another article, which will give a rich and detailed account of the entire history of the EB community).

I no longer idle in #earthbound every day, and I havent played EarthBound in a very long time. And as reidman encouraged, I've tried to "Get back in the game", but I can't. Time and again I have beat EarthBound to the point where I no longer want to do it anymore. Sure, I've gone into lapses when I don't want to play, but I've always come back. But it will be a very long time before I play again. Even though I've played EarthBound so much that it pains me to think about it, I get excited when I think about the day when I finally do go back to playing. I think about it every day. How great that day will be.

The point that I'm trying to make is that because we are involved daily in a community based around EarthBound, none of us will ever forget the time that we've spent here, or the time that we've spent playing EarthBound. If it isn't already, EarthBound will will constantly be in your mind, lurking around somewhere in your subconsious. You can leave, you can never play EarthBound again, but it will still be in the back of your mind, the coals of what was once a raging bonfire will still remain hot, waiting to rekindle a passion once dead.

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Starman Sr. EarthBound:Something That You Will Never Forget
7/31/06 0.00


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